8 research outputs found

    Timetable Management Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Scheduling course timetables for a large array of courses is a very complex problem which often has to be solved manually by the center staff even though results are not always fully optimal. Timetabling being a highly constrained combinatorial problem, this work attempts to put into play the effectiveness of evolutionary techniques based on Darwin’s theories to solve the timetabling problem if not fully optimal but near optimal. Genetic Algorithm is a popular meta-heuristic that has been successfully applied to many hard combinatorial optimization problems which includes timetabling and scheduling problems. In this work, the course sets, halls and time allocations are represented by a multidimensional array on which a local search is performed and a combination of the direct representation of the timetable with heuristic crossover is made to ensure that fundamental constraints are not violated. Finally, the genetic algorithm was applied in the development of a viable timetabling system which was tested to demonstrate the variety of possible timetables that can be generated based on user specified constraint and requirements. Keywords: Time table management, genetic algorithm

    Timetable Management Using Genetic Algorithms

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    Scheduling course timetables for a large array of courses is a very complex problem which often has to be solved manually by the center staff even though results are not always fully optimal. Timetabling being a highly constrained combinatorial problem, this work attempts to put into play the effectiveness of evolutionary techniques based on Darwin's theories to solve the timetabling problem if not fully optimal but near optimal. Genetic Algorithm is a popular meta-heuristic that has been successfully applied to many hard combinatorial optimization problems which includes timetabling and scheduling problems. In this work, the course sets, halls and time allocations are represented by a multidimensional array on which a local search is performed and a combination of the direct representation of the timetable with heuristic crossover is made to ensure that fundamental constraints are not violated. Finally, the genetic algorithm was applied in the development of a viable timetabling system which was tested to demonstrate the variety of possible timetables that can be generated based on user specified constraint and requirements. Keywords: Time table management, genetic algorithm

    Analisa Potensi Penggunaan PLTS On Grid di Kota Makasar

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    Makassar is the center of government and business center in the province of South Sulawesi. The people of Makassar has a very high dependence on the use of electrical energy to meet their daily needs, both at home and at offices. The use of electrical energy which is quite high will cause an increase in customer bills every month. Therefore, this problem needs to be reduced by utilizing alternative energy sources. PLTS on grid is one of the solutions to reduce dependence on electrical energy from PLN. This research was carried out using a load simulation method based on the level of solar radiation in Makassar City at an installed power of 4500 VA. By using PLTS on grid the customer has two sources of electrical energy, from solar power and PLN line. The main source of electrical energy during the day is from on grid solar power and at night is from PLN line. If the power from the on grid solar power the day is insufficient to serve the load needs, PLN will automatically responsible for the electric power of the load. The simulation results show that the use of on-grid PLTS saves PLN's electricity consumption by 34.78% to 89.53%. These results illustrate that the potential for using on grid solar panels in the city of Makassar is very larg


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    The use of energy is important today due to the rapid decrease in fossil energy entire the world. The world should consider of using energy as efficient as possible. Waste energy from engines and other energy converters is released as hot air in the atmosphere. Waste heat energy is able to recover by using water heat exchanger. This research aims to experimentally examining the use of waste heat from room air conditioner as home energy source. A cross flow concentric pipe heat exchanger is used as the condenser for a room air conditioner to cover the exhaust energy from the condenser. The results shows that by using a concentric pipe condenser, the exhaust energy is benefit to decrease the paid energy equal to Rp. 57.000,-  monthly electricity bill. The other supplementary beneficial equal to Rp. 564.249,- electricity bill gained from exhaust energy of the air conditioner.    Keywords: : hot air, energy sourc

    Rancang Bangun Prototipe Pengaman Ruangan dengan Input Kode PIN dan Multi Sensor Berbasis Mikrokontroller

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    This research design a sistem to provide room security based on micro-controller. This research designs a system to secure a specific room using a specific code number for that only specific persons have the access to the secured room otherwise the alarm will on as a notification that inappropriate person try to enter the secured room. To enhance the security of the specific room, this research also added two others sensors; PIR sensor and fire sensor. The security system able to activates three conditions simultaneously.When the micro-controller find that one or more conditions meet the requirements, it will activate the alarm. The simulation results show that the alarm activate if somebody enter the room without deactivated the system or the system detects fire spot in the room. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menyediakan sistem pengaman ruangan yang berbasis mikrokontroler. Mikrokontroller ini dipakai untuk mengontrol pengamanan ruangan yang menggunakan akses kode pin sehingga hanya orang tertentu yang mengetahui kode PIN tertentu dapat masuk dalam ruangan tersebut tanpa alarm berbunyi. Dengan mikrokontroller yang sama, sistem keamanan ruangan dapat ditingkatkan dengan menambah dua jenis sensor yaitu sensor yang peka terhadap tubuh manusia (PIR) dan sensor yang dapat mendeteksi Api.  Sistem pengaman ruangan ini dirancang dengan tiga kondisi yang akan aktif secara pararel. Jika satu atau lebih kondisi terpenuhi maka alarm berbunyi sebagai tanda bahwa ruangan dalam keadaan tidak aman. Hasil simulasi sesuai rancangan bahwa alarm berbunyi jika sesorang berada dalam ruangan tanpa menonaktifkan sistem atau ada nyala api dalam ruangan tersebut. Rancang Bangun Prototipe Pengaman Ruangan Dengan Kode PIN dan Multi Sensor Berbasis Mikrokontroller dapat menjadi model sistem pengaman ruangan yang mempunyai tingkat keamaman yang lebih baik.

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Otomatisasi dan Telekontrol Pada Pengkondisian Air Kolam Pembibitan Ikan Nila

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    The needs of Tilapia is quite high and  popular for that the needs of this fish increasingly every year. The needs of tilapia should be support also by the availability of its seeds which determan by the ponds water conditions such as temperature, water clarity and its height.  This research designs a  prototype of a system to maintain the optimum temperature condition  in the range of 25°-30° celcius for tilapia seeds pond. When the system  indicate that the water temperature hits 25oC or below, it activate the heater to heat the water pond until it reach the temperature of 28oC. The fish seeds develop well for the water height between 40-60 cm. When the water is too high so the system will activate the pump to drain the pond to the normal level, otherwise the pump will fill the pond whenever the system indicate the water level in the pond is low. The best water for tilapia seeds is a pond with clear and clean water. The the water pond indicate to be muddy it also activate the pump to drain water to the low level and fill it again to the normal level.  This simulation results show that the prototype of automation of water conditioning controller has work properly to  drain, to fill, to clarify, to warm the water pond automatically and able to send messages to the user about those condition.  AbstrakIkan nila adalah salah satu jenis ikan yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi sehingga kebutuhan benih maupun ikan yang layak cenderung  meningkat setiap tahunnya. Seiring meningkatnya permintaan ikan maka harus diiringi dengan penyedian benih ikan yang berkualitas, di mana hal ini sangat ditentukan oleh kondisi air kolam seperti suhu, kejernihan dan ketinggian air. Penelitian ini membuat rancang bangun suatu sistem yang mengatur kondisi suhu optimal untuk kolam pembibitan ikan yaitu 25°-30° celcius. Apabila suhu air kolam dibawah 25° celcius maka sistem mengaktifkan heater sampai pada suhu 28° celcius. Untuk ketinggian air yang baik untuk kolam pembibitan adalah berkisar antara 40-60 centimeter. Penelitian ini mensimulasikan tiga level ketinggian yaitu rendah, normal, dan tinggi. Pada saat air berada pada kondisi level air tinggi maka pompa pengurasan aktif hingga ketinggian air sampai pada level normal yang akan menghentikan pompa. Selanjutnya pada saat level air rendah, maka pompa akan mengisi kolam hingga pada level normal yang akan menghentikan kerja pompa. Untuk kejernihan air, kondisi yang diharapkan adalah air yang jernih dan bersih. Pada saat air keruh maka pompa pengurasan akan aktif sampai batas level rendah kemudian melakukan pengisian kembali sampai batas normal. Hasil simulasi penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa rancang bangun prototipe otomatisasi kontrol pengkondisian air, sudah dapat melakukan pengurasan, pengisian, penjernihan dan penghangatan otomatis serta mampu mengirim pesan pada pengguna